Was your school stronger a few years ago? We will help you increase enrollment. We will also help you build the systems that ensure enrollment is sustainable. When enrollment is sustainable, the school will have renewed vitality as well as reach more children and serve more families.
Increasing enrollment is always possible regardless of how far it has fallen. The further it has fallen, the harder one must work. If you provide the will, we will provide the skill.
When you engage us, the first step is to assess your organization. It is the typical SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) plus:
Processes – How do you do what you do and why? Knowing the answer to that question helps us make recommendations that build vitality while preserving your important traditions and identity. Preserving and enhancing your uniqueness is important.
Momentum – How much effort will it take to make the desired changes? Knowing where and how fast the current momentum is carrying the school is important to judging the time and effort needed for success. This analysis also identifies the effects the plan will have on the current processes and programming.
Timing – When should changes be made? Producing results immediately is important. It is more important to make the changes in the right order taking into consideration the size, impact, and complexity of the change. The right sequence lowers costs, increases efficiency, and makes the change process more comfortable.
Creating the plan is the next step. There are two approaches to planning. One is to use a standardized plan. This assumes that one size fits all and that creating or preserving the unique identity of the organization is unimportant.
We prefer to create a unique plan for each school. Each school has its own unique personality and culture. Each leadership team has its own unique set of strengths. Each community presents different service challenges. Creating a plan specific to your needs is the best way for us to serve you.
Success requires enthusiasm. It is easy to be enthusiastic about a plan created specifically for your school.
Testing the plan is the third step. Sometimes it is impractical to test the plan. When it is possible, the best way to test the plan is by limiting the budget and the number of students, families, and others involved. A limited implementation controls risk. The testing also identifies ways to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and benefits. Modifying the plan to reflect lessons learned will enhance long-term success.
Full-scale implementation is the final step.
Are all of those steps necessary? It takes a long time for strength and enrollment to slip away. Restoring them is seldom a quick process. Some changes will take place in the first 30 – 60 days. Other changes will take longer to implement. It usually takes 15 to 24 months to complete the transformation. We walk alongside you through out the process to help create self-sustaining momentum. Walking alongside you also ensures our expertise is available if the unexpected happens.
If we work together on all four steps, we will guarantee success.